The Start of Something New

Our Story

gunmetal black dog den being carried our of new defender 90 boot

From Concept to Design

The Dog Den Story

The Dog Den was inspired by two of the most important girls in my life - a cheeky fox-red labrador Holly and an ultra zoomy chocolate cocker spaniel, Margie. Living in the Suffolk countryside, my girls live very active lives and they come almost everywhere with me.

Everyone loves their dogs. We give them everything that they could possibly need - but one things my dogs really needed was an adequate travel kennel. Something which would not rattle or rust, looked half decent and my dogs actually enjoyed jumping into after a long day. And after extensive research I was disappointed that there wasn't anything suitable on the UK market. So I decided to make my own. 

I wanted to create a safe, soothing and secure space for my girls to seek sanctuary during the long car rides or nights spent away from home. A Dog Den which would not only keep my girls safe, but protect them from the outside forces - while also protecting the interior of my car!

Since this moment every detail, component and characteristic has been specifically designed and tested in real conditions to protect your best friends no matter what the next adventure brings.

Sophie Lawson

sophie lawson dog den founder sat with three dogs
red cocker inside first dog den mock up of insulation board

It all began

At home

Winter evenings were filled with drawing up new concepts and designs. I had to make the decision whether to build something based on vehicle type or dog breed. Creating a bespoke product to fit either category would be so difficult - afterall everyone owns a different dog and a different car. We came up with so many concepts it was unbelievable! After over a year, we made our first prototype.

Even then

More had to be done

Once our first prototype was made, we spent hours finalising the finaghy (some may say overlooked) aspects. We wanted to design the best travel dog crate for dogs on the UK market, so everything had to be done right not only for you as an owner, but for your dog. We are not perfect - but we soon will be!

first dog den prototype our story
brown cocker spaniel sat on top of the gunmetal black dog den

1.5 years later...

We're finally there

We are so excited to finally launch the Dog Den. It is our priority to consider careful designs, use high-quality materials and build with skilled craftsmanship. Our dog travel crate features double rotomolded 20mm grade plastic for added protection, stainless steel doors, windows & hardware, non-slip feet and a drainage channel. We take great pride in our creation, as does Margie.

Pre-orders open

20% off full price

5 Year Warranty

Made with quality - built to last a lifetime

Made in England

From design to manufacture

Dog den diaries

dog den features
Dog Den Diaries FAQ's

Dog Den Features

I wanted to buy a travel kennel which could house my girls, keep them safe, regulate their temperature during hot or cold months, be safely secured in the back of my vehicle, while also being comfortable, relatively attractive...

how to care for your dog den
Dog Den Diaries

How to care for your Dog Den

All of our Dog Dens are made with the same materials mainly consisting of 20mm rotomolded plastic, stainless steel hardware, rubber handles and feet. This way we have minimised weather deterioration keeping your dog(s) snug...

ordering a dog den

Ordering a Dog Den

Before you decide to order a Dog Den here are a list of the main questions we get asked! 1. Will the Dog Den fit in my vehicle? With every customer owning a different vehicle make...

audi q3 with gunmetal dog den and frenchie out for a picnic
Dog Den Diaries

An All-In-One Versatile Housing Solution

Nowadays, with over ⅓ of UK households owning a dog it has become more important than ever to create an innovative and versatile dog travel kennel solution. Traditionally, dog owners secure their pets in the back...